Monday, February 1, 2010

Health Benefits of Kindness!!

Hi friends,

                Have a great day!! Today i have an interesting topic to share with you.

                 Numerous scientific studies show that acts of kindness result in significant health benefits, both physical and mental. Here are some key points:

    * Helping contributes to the maintenance of good health, and it can diminish the effect of diseases and disorders serious and minor, psychological and physical.

    * A rush of euphoria, followed by a longer period of calm, after performing a kind act is often referred to as a “helper’s high,” involving physical sensations and the release of the body’s natural painkillers, the endorphins. This initial rush is then followed by a longer-lasting period of improved emotional well-being.

    * Stress-related health problems improve after performing kind acts. Helping reverses feelings of depression, supplies social contact, and decreases feelings of hostility and isolation that can cause stress, overeating, ulcers, etc. A drop in stress may, for some people, decrease the constriction within the lungs that leads to asthma attacks.

    * Helping can enhance our feelings of joyfulness, emotional resilience, and vigor, and can reduce the unhealthy sense of isolation.

    * A decrease in both the intensity and the awareness of physical pain can occur.

    * The incidence of attitudes, such as chronic hostility, that negatively arouse and damage the body is reduced.

    * The health benefits and sense of well-being return for hours or even days whenever the helping act is remembered.

    * An increased sense of self-worth, greater happiness, and optimism, as well as a decrease in feelings of helplessness and depression, is achieved.

    * Once we establish an “affirmative connection” with someone – a relationship of friendship, love, or some sort of positive bonding – we feel emotions that can strengthen the immune system.

    * Adopting an altruistic lifestyle is a critical component of mental health.

    * The practice of caring for strangers translates to immense immune and healing benefits.

    * Regular club attendance, volunteering, entertaining, or faith group attendance is the happiness equivalent of getting a college degree or more than doubling your income.

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